Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Casper in Action

Okay, hello again. Since the middle age, ghost are common in humans' life. I often think, what is it with ghost that we're (some of us) afraid of? It really perplexed me when I got goosebumps all over my body during my nightly visit to the college toilet. They say that it really was haunted, and 'it' jumps from one toilet to another.

Before this, I was very2 sceptical about this mystical stuff. Huh. What to believe? A gas floating around and scaring peoples' head off? Then, one day I was knocked off my senses. I was attending a meeting organised by my seniors regarding our 'assignment'. We were suppose to get 10 of our seniors' signature. So we've finished it. And they wanna check who sent the papers already. One by one the name was called. Then the last name was called out. I still remember the name. 'Aizuddin Abdul Rahman!!!' Ten times the name was shouted. Nobody stood up. There is nobody with that name registered in our database. I can never forget the change of face of our seniors. 

We can't deny the existence of these supernatural being. But we musn't let that bring us down. Have faith in God and He will help you defend yourself against unwanted situation. 

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