Saturday, February 14, 2009

The World Is Round

Someone told me, if you love something, biarkan ia pergi. Dah naik muak, sebab everytime I let go, it didn't come back. Well, it shows that Tuhan belum tunjukkan lagi right? Yes. Well, I'm nobody to demand. So, I just shut up. Lately ni banyak dengar ceramah ouh. Ha3 and one of my favourite quotation is;

Kalau apa yang awak hajatkan tak tercapai di dunia, bersabarlah.
Di akhirat sana Allah sediakan awak ganjaran, insyaAllah.

Seriously, it makes me feel that what's here, would be kinda nothing. I know a person who leaves everything she has because she believes, that duniawi is just temporary. Maybe I'll be like that. It is temporary. So why bother? I leave everything to Him. 

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