Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hidup Sebelum Mati

Hello. I started my day with something that's not quite jolly. On my way to JB I heard that my dad's friend or my friend's dad passed away. I hesitated at first to go and pay the family a visit, but in the end I did. I knew this friend of mine since standard two. Considering that she's an old friend of mine, I think I should visit her. Trust me, I have my reasons. 

Okay. Moving on to the topic that I really want to talk about. As a muslim, we all know that solat is the main pillar of Islam. It's the medium for us to communicate with God, and to show our devotion, our loyalty to Allah. The reward for performing solat is so great that the benefit does not only come after our soul departs from our body, but it's right here, when we're still alive.

Firstly, it actually is a form of exercise when you look at it. I mean, yeah, first we have the takbiratul ihram, which is the raising of both our hands at the beginning of the solat. Then we do the ruku', sujud, and this is performed several times, with each round is called as one rakaat. It's not tiring, but trust me, you'll burn a few calories for doing this. Better than nothing right?

Now, the act of sujud itself has it's own benefit. See, blood flows through the whole body. Where the parts which blood flows much more, that place is considered active, healthy and will function better. During sujud, blood flows much more to the brain. A brain which has a much better blood flow not only can function well, but even better than those with less. With this, it will allow humans to make decisions and receive information better.

Besides that, body postures in solat can also cure a few medical situations. As an example, backpains. If you go and see the doctor, you'll find that the exercise that the doctors advice you to do resembles the ones you do in solat. A study has shown that a solat therapy, which highlights the act of 90 degrees ruku' , would ease backpain. This clearly shows that solat also has benefits in regards to medical problems.

Like I said, it is rewarding to perform solat. It's one way to communicate with Allah. We have to admit, we can't do anything alone. We need God. In order to do that, we must ask. Ask, and do what He actually requires us to do. It's a give and take situation with our Maker. We must believe that we're promised Heaven when we do it. When happy, in time of desperation, or even in pain,  He's there. Reach out to Him. 

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