This is a very good time for fear mongers to spread the word about the coming of Armageddon. Or some weird religious cult to gather a group of people on a field, waiting for Jesus to come down from Heaven. Remember the Mayans? They actually predicted that the end of the world would actually happen exactly on the 21st of December, 2012. Woa, pretty sophisticated huh? Nostradamus on the other hand said that the current Pope would be the last one. Well, that actually contradicted with his other prophecy which says that the Barbarians (which he regarded the Muslim as) will conquer the world in 2300-ish. Pope Benedict XVI will live that long? I'm sure he's happy to hear that.
What about Islam? We Muslim believe that the real day is only known by Allah. The more we guess the date, the more it is inaccurate. So we choose not to dwell on it. Everyday lives goes on, while we prepare ourselves. There's no use fearing the inevitable. I remember when a new teacher came to my school. I was standard five at that time. We knew that she looked fierce, so there's a 98.23% that she is. Therefore, there's no use of thinking 'Oh man, garang tak makcik tu?' Instead, we prepared ourselves with everything that is needed. Turn out, she's not that bad after all.
Like today. I went to the mall. It's like everyone is having a mad bonus bonanza. It was quite packed. Okay I might be exaggerating, but considering the economy is not in our favour, and there's a 'violent' flu spreading out there, people are quite jolly. But I came to understand that tragedy actually brings people together. This H1N1 thingy actually brought the scientists together in killing it off. The economic blunder? Well, to roll the economy, we need to spend. It applies the Multiplication of Money theory. That explains the crowd at the mall. Ha3 I mean, we need to do what we have to do right? Why do we have to go on sombre mode just because those Wall Street folks are crying their money off?
What I'm saying is, we should make the best of everything. Even during a terrible disaster, there's a ray of hope. It's up to us to determine whether life is full of meaning, or just another stupid day. It's a short one. Why the long face?
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