Sunday, August 2, 2009

I See Dark Clouds

What did they get after today's demonstration against/for the ISA? Nothing. I can guess from a mile away. They have shamed the country. I saw on the CNN about it. Though it's only a 30 seconds news, they showed how some Malaysians act like apes, protesting against something they're not even sure about. Why did I say that? Because they didn't read the news! It's about to be mended! Or if the news are not true, or the government might lie, wait until you're sure they are! Come one.. When will you use your common sense?

I don't mind you're standing up for what you believe. But do it at an appropriate place please. They invented road, tarmac so that we can drive on it. They invented mosque so that we can pray in it. They invented LRT Stations so that we can wait and board the LRT for heavens sake. But no.. these brilliant geniuses use them for demonstration purposes. We somehow depict that Malaysian are people who will shout if they disagree, throw stones when their desires at not met up with. Shame on you. Shame on you.

You know what they called Malaysia? A third-world country. We are supposed to be a developing country. I was quite mad when they labelled us with that but in a way, they're right. We have first-class facilities, and yet our thinking are still three levels below par. How embarrasing. Too many efforts have been put to raise Malaysia but it's the people themselves who are not appreciative enough. Come on people. Is this who we are? Is this the path that we're choosing for our own country?

We need to sit back, and see what is actually happening around us. Where are we going, as a nation. Forward? Definitely not. How can we when we demonstrate on the streets, shouting whenever we disagree on something? I was born during the zenith of Malaysian development, and I'm not out of my teenage life yet, and it's about to fade away. People, wake up!! We need to think back, what's good and what's not for the country. Do not just follow anyone, just because he/she seems energetic. Do what's right, and for the first time, use your brain, to decide. Allah is up there watching.

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