Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Knot That We're Tied On

Hello. I have been doing some reading on something but now I've forgotten about it. It's supposed to be about entrepeneurship, ha now I remember. Then I stumble upon something that I had never ever thought that I would know about. Which is about the spreading of H1N1 virus. Okay, they (in that article) said that this virus is somehow made by some Israeli psycho scientists, and then they had developed their own vaccines for the virus, and then it was spread so that the whole world would be in total chaos. Next, when everyone is in total darkness, they will come and distribute the vaccine, but it comes with a cost.

If you ask me, I would say that that is a Spielberg material. Or maybe King's. Well, at this point of time, I am very sorry to say but it is not the moment to point fingers on who is there to blame. I mean, we're shouting here and there, accusing everyone but at the same time, nothing was done to cure it. God, there must be something wrong with us. You should at least remedy the situation first, and then investigate, who is the culprit. What's really happening now is that it's a reverse action altogether, making it hard to find the cure.

One more thing that I heard is that at some point, it seems that everybody in the world is trying to eliminate Islam from the face of Earth. Come on, you're giving these people too much credit. I mean, the holy water was used in a bottle called *****? I tell you, in Islam, we do not believe in anything holy rather than what Allah had stated in the Quran. Other than that, it's just a normal thing. If you believe that holy water is somehow 'holy', then you should recheck your knowledge on Islam. To me, some people has something better to do rather than exercising ethnic cleansing.

Ha, don't you think that's it ridiculous that half the population of the world is turning against us? Okay maybe the extremes, but everyone wants to go on with their normal lives too. Many would go on and just forget about the differences, and work on the similarities. If only loads of us are having this kind of mentality, the world can be a better place. Cewah, macam la idea aku ni bagus sangat eak? Ha3 But seriously, I hoped that one day, these things would go away, but I don't think that day would ever come.

Oh ya, have you ever watched The Arrival? Yes, I've watched it. And yes, I think that it's ridiculous. I know that the end is near, but to have 30 episodes just to warn people that it's near, and to have all the the resources on that particular subject, in all the 30 episodes, I think he's crazy. He is somehow obsessed with the judgement day. Yes, we are required to prepare for it, and we need to think about death 70 times a day, but we need to live. That's why Islam has muamalat, munakahat, jenayat, and such.

Therefore, what I'm trying to say is that keep on living no matter what people say. Life is too short to care if people criticise you. But constructive comments are important too, mind you. Be smart in using your resources, and analysing situations. Like I've said a million times before, Islam is never rigid. It's not changing, but it's adapting to the current globalisation. Till then!


Viola Ng said...

oh my sounds soo much like u buddy.
i do agree with u that RIGHT now, it is not the time for us to point our fingers at who is right or wrong. i sincerely hope that all these disease thingy can find its cure soon.

Don't worry..the world is not turning against anyone. we live our own life........enjoy ourself to the max.

till then....

Sufee Yusli said...

he3 thanks for dropping by love. ;) take gud care of yourself okayh?