Thursday, September 24, 2009

Aku Cuma Manusia

Kadang2, dalam hidup, tak semua selari.
Orang Jawa kata, not everything is parallel.
Mulut kata iya, tapi hati kata tidak.

Bibir aku mengucapkan yang aku redha dengan ketentuan Dia.
Tapi hati ni mempersoal, sejauh mana aku mampu bertahan?

Kadang2, iman tergelincir jugak.
Kita cuma manusia.. tapi tak lah jatuh jauh sangat.
Namun, terdetik jugak dalam hati.

Bila saat tu akan tiba? Aku akan macam ni lama?

Aku tak suka memikirkannya lama2. Aku jugak tak suka memaksa.
Tapi aku cuma manusia. Menginginkan kepastian.
Lama2, hati dah mula penat, otak mula mainkan peranan..

Tuhan itu Maha Adil.. Maha Penyayang..
Satu hari nanti, yang ditunggu pasti tiba.
Tapi aku cuma manusia. Kadang2 iman tergelincir.
Aku pastikan tak jauh aku terjatuh.

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

The Climb - Miley Cyrus (ke Hannah Montana? Entah merepek je)

Tiba2 lagu ni macam sedap. Tapi hati tetap tak mahu dengar apa yang lirik dia cakap.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blue Collared, Or Green Eyed?

Salam 1 Malaysia

It has been a very quite raya this time round. What happened actually? I don’t know. I expected it to be very cheerful this year, but seriously, my thought were dashed like a Boeing through the Twin Towers, the North one. My condolence to anyone who lost their loved ones on that fateful day. How I remember that day, 12th September 2001 (considering the 12 hours difference between Kuala Lumpur and New York).

Okay, moving on to a much recent event. Actually, I don’t intend to write that long today. Just to babble on something that I think is important. On the 16th of September last Wednesday, I went out to Segamat to accompany my friend for, okay that one, I can’t recall. What I do remember was that, on our way back to the campus, we were stuck on a traffic jam. Before that, I saw a patrol car which was swerving here and there passing a few other cars. I thought what kind of a copper is that?

Then we stopped right behind him. Oh ya, I saw him, he was on the phone! And to top it off, he didn’t fasten his seatbelt! I managed to take the picture of the car from behind but it didn’t actually show what he’s doing. But trust me, my four other friends and I saw it clearly. Thinking that if he’s busted, for sure I’m the one to be blamed for, well, anything lah kan. Polis.. Nak buat macam mane. Kita je lah yang salah.

You know what? I came to a conclusion that we can never rely on anyone now. Accept if you have loads of cash. The people that we thought can take care of us, the very people who vows to keep the country in peace and harmony, are stabbing us from our backs. They fine us for speeding, but their speed limit is 560mph. They scold us for running past the red light, but their three lights are green. How in the name of God do they sleep at night?

I have a friend who is a son of a copper. He’s friendly. Yes. When I walked by, he’ll shake my hand and ask me how’s life. But he also shake the life out of many friends of mine, asking them for money. Ask? Hm, I’ll prefer the word request. Violently. And he always gets away with it. Why? Don’t have to tell you folks. Now, that boy is a nobody in nowhere.

I’m not here to inflict any hatred towards those policemen, but rather to express my dissatisfaction, and I believe that many people are feeling the same way. You have to believe that everything in life will have its punishment. So, whatever you do, think before you do it. Fulfil the slogan People first, performance now.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Out Of The Blue

Selamat pagi. Dah lama rasanya aku tak menulis. Bukan apa, it's just that I don't have any topic to write on. Ada topik pun, kalau ditulis mampu membawa kepada rusuhan kaum di UiTM. Eh2, padahal UiTM penuh dengan budak Melayu except for the lecturers. Nak tulis tentang how cool Ramadan is, but simply can't because tak tau macam mana nak put it into words. But I must assure you, Ramadan kali ini adalah yang paling bermakna. Tak tau kenapa, tapi macam tu lah. Pergi masjid pun lebih redha. Kalau tak sebelum ni macam malas je.

Oh ya, aku menulis pagi ni bukan nak cerita pasal tu. Tapi lebih kepada luahan hati. someone told me, that my blog lacks a soul. Semua yang ditulis, cuma penuh dengan idea, tapi takde penghayatan. Hu3 mula2 nak jugak bantah, tapi bila fikir2 balik, memang betul jugak tau. Sebab aku segan menulis yang datang dari hati. Yang selalu keluar tertampal kat blog ni hanya apa yang terlintas di fikiran. Kalau ada pun yang dari hati, aku akan disguise benda tu so that nampak sangat formal, konon nak jadi pengajaran kat orang lain la. Ha3 Padahal nak meluahkan isi hati kat si dia.

Aku cuma seorang manusia. Penuh dengan onak duri kehidupan. Tak terlepas dari dosa, tak terkeluar dari batas norma. Apa yang orang lain rasa, aku pun rasa. So, tak heran la kan kalau aku kata, aku jatuh hati kat sorang hamba Allah ni? Ha there you go. Straight to the point. Macam Faizul cakap, aku bab lain, insyaAllah memangh sangat penyabar. Tapi bab ni, gear terlepas sikit. Memang aku kadang2, tak reti nak berselindung. God I wish I know how to stop. Kalau aku ni hensem, memang no wonder but my best compliment from any girl would be 'Eee.. comelnye..' Ha3 terasa macam Teletubies warna merah plak.

First thing yang orang akan tanya is how did I meet her. That's a good question. Sebab pertama kali aku jumpa dia, tak bertentang mata pun. Kitorang bertekak dalam cyberspace sahaja. Yela, aku baca blog dia, lepas tu follow.. Because of this one post she wrote, terus tertarik nak follow.. Baru tau recently yang rupenye dia label aku as stalker.. Sebab aku pun terus add dia kat myspace yang menjadi kegilaan ramai itu.. Kitorang betul2 jumpa, nampak semua jasad rasanya macam baru ni. Tak tau lah. Tak ingat. Tapi sumpah, never regretted that day. Hu3

Nak tahu tak, dia ni saaaaaaaangat sweet.. Mula2 text, ingatkan macam mana lah orangnya.. Takut jugak, sebab selalu text first, meet later memang akan result in a disastrous crash. Comment kat myspace, tengok cam funny je orangnye. Tapi yelah kan, myspace pernah dituduh membuat seorang teenager kat US commit suicide, so takut gak karang tetibe ada message coming in, draining the blood right out of my body. Ha3 tapi memang menipu lah tu kan.. Psychomaniac je yang bunuh diri just because of few stupid hate messages..

I don't know why, but it just is. Kitorang sangat jarang berjumpa, but i felt that dia selalu ada. Yeah, dengan teknologi terkini hasil ciptaan company bernama Nokia, kitorang sering berhubung. Text is the main medium. Nak kata 24/7 texting, tak jugak. But whenever I need a friend, she's there. Tengah marah pun boleh senyum, when she said, 'Janganlah bad mood.. X besh lah msg dgn org bad mood.. senyum cket' or yang sewaktu dengannya.. Aku ni bukannya ingat sangat semua but few things boleh diingat sampai mati. He3 Dia pemalu ouh. mula2 jumpa macam nak tutup kepala.. Ades.. tapi when you know her, dia sangat seronok..

Peribadinya sangat besh. Sebab things came out from the mouth, or written in the blog, datang straight either from the heart or brain, or both. Tertarik, sebab semuanya ikhlas. When needed, hati kita dia jaga. Tapi kalau dah masuk mood, habis kita kena sakat. Kakak cantik la, itu la ini la. Ha3 Thanks ye awak. Saya mintak doa takmau jumpe kakak yang tak berapa cantik tu. Suaranya, sangat lembut. Dia kata macam kartun, tapi entah, tak pernah pulak aku cair dengar suara kartun sebelum ni. Suara dia, hadui.. kalau tengah nak tidur tu, memang terus lelap la. Haish.. Kiutnye.. hu3

Pendirian dia sangat dihormati. Dia konsisten. Through my observation la. Apa yang dia cakap, sama dengan apa yang dia buat. If things shouldn't be said, or done, then that's that. Tak macam separuh orang, konon A, tapi sebenarnya B. Senang cakap, tak hipokrit la. He3 Wondering how many girls lain la yang ada macam dia. Susah nak cari tau. If jumpa, maybe satu per lima belas. Ha, susah la tu nak cari. Cuba baca blog dia. Mesti nak tau orangnya sebenarnya macam mana kan.. ha.. Link cari sendiri okeh.

Pendek cerita, dia memang serba serbi sangat menarik orangnya. Aku cuba untuk menepis perasaan, tapi aku cuma manusia. Apa pun dia nak fikir, apa pun dia nak decide, aku redha. Yang penting, aku dah luahkan perasaan aku kat sini. Sangat susah untuk aku open up like this, but somehow I had the courage to do so. Awak, thanks sebab buat saya tersenyum selalu. Saya selalu cakap thanks sebab tak cukup pun thanks tu. Whatever it is, tahniah sebab berjaya turunkan ego saya yang tebal menggunung ni. Ha3 Selamat menjalani baki Ramadan yang ada..

p/s; I still concentrate on my studies okeh. Don't worry.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Value Of Education

Good day. I just need to say this. We have been governing our own country for 52 years. A lot has been done to ensure that the country prosper, that includes giving education to the rakyat. Education from standard one till form five is compulsory for everyone, thus giving everyone not only chance, but the right to obtain knowledge in schools. At government funded schools, a few hundred Ringgit must be paid, but to me, it's worth it. So that kids can learn algebra, and figure out how liquid turns to gas, RM500 per year is just too cheap.

We don't have to go that far. Omega, a well known private school in JB, charges it's students RM700 per month (as of 2008) and I believe that it's increasing this year. And yet every year, thousands of new students are lining up to enrol. Yes, the parents that are sending these kids, they drove Benz, BMW and Volvos. Sometimes, I don't see parents. I see chauffeurs wearing those cool hat Hitler used to wear, sending them. But mind you, there are also kids that took buses there. Some parents work day and night, just so that their children can get into the classroom.

But why are there so many children that still can't even spell the word pelajaran? What went wrong? Why is it that we can still see five 14 year olds mingling around the shopping mall, not knowing what to do? Why is it, that when we walk along the side of KLCC at 10 am, we can see students, wearing school uniforms, laughing around like there's no tomorrow?

We laughed when we see the images above. But the fact is, those kids know nothing. Well girls are evil one is cool. Ha3 Okay back to serious, how are we going to cope the 21st century when it's filled with a bunch of adults who can't solve a simple equation such as 5x + 10 = 20! If you ask me, something needs to be done. And something needs to be done fast. I just can't bear to see the future being held by these people. That's what leads to the coming of the Dark Age. No. We will not let that happen. Till then.