Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dance Is A Sin!

Oh ya, I've watched Buletin Utama just now and I've heard that PAS Youth in Penang had been demonstrating to protest the I-Dance in the state. I'm going to comment on that ion the most polite way I can. It's S-T-U-P-I-D. The reason? It can promote social ills. Ey, social ills, can be caused by many other things lah. It's dancing man! Okay say if it does, in any way, promote social ills, will they be marching here and there like morons protesting the opening of the dance school founded by Linda Jasmin

You can disagree my friend. But do not put on a demonstration for God sake! I hate the fact that they are protesting in that way. And they actually threatening to put on another demonstration. How stupid is that. Like Tan Sri Musa Hasan said, what kind of democrasy are you trying to impose here? No democrasy will be achieved by having street march and all. 

This is not politically motivated. Even if UMNO Youth are the ones who had done this, I would say the same thing. And right now, we should not do these kind of things. It would spread around and more people will do these demonstration stuff. We are not Africa or India or even Thailand, but signs are showing that we are turning into them.

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