Friday, January 23, 2009

Gone With The Wind

Apa akan terjadi sekiranya kita tidak berubah? Tiada apa2. Tapi batu yang keras pun akan terhakis dengan kehadiran air. Sedikit sebanyak, perubahan akan berlaku tetapi mungkin pada skala yang amat kecil. 

Trust me, everyone will change. When? That is the question. My lecturer yesterday shows us two photos; one of a bird and another of a plane. He asked us wether we wanted to be a plane or a bird. Majority chose plane.

Katanya, seekor burung akan terbang dan mendarat sesuka hatinya, tanpa mempedulikan apa keadaan sekeliling. Hujan, ribut, banjir akan diredah. Lain halnya dengan kapal terbang. Ia perlu menunggu keadaan yang sesuai untuk berlepas dan mendarat.

He made his point. From what I understand, we need to be like the bird. We need to be flexible at any time, and willing to change at any condition. Don't be like the plane, because we will only change course when the condition is asking us to do so. 

Jadi, terpulanglah bagaimana kita menginterpretasi sesuatu maklumat itu. Tentu ada sebab kenapa post kali ni macam ni. On the other hand, I might have gone mad. This post might just be like any other post.

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