Friday, April 17, 2009

I Say, What Have You Done?

Everyone has the right to do anything. That's why SUHAKAM was established. To protect the rights of the people. But when we violate the rights of other people, our freedom of right suddenly vanished. That's how it's suppose to be. No matter what we do, we are actually bound by the thing that is named 'The Rule'. Don't tell me it's your right to hit a person just because it is a free country. Tell me, does the guy has the right to do the same to you? The answer is, of course. He has the same amount of rights as you disregarding his place in the society.

Okay now, moving on to another stuff that I really want to talk about. Why is sex such a taboo? Back in the 90s when I was growing up, the word naked itself is a terrifying word. No one wants to say anything about sex. I understand that it should be treated the other way. Students should be taught about it as a part of education. Yes, education. But when do you cross the line between education and immorality? Well, it's obvious right? When it comes to practical. 

So, when you commit something that has breached the law of morality, you should be ashamed. No matter where you are, what you do is considered as morally not good. In the US they say you can do anything that they don't care no more. That is incorrect. We, looking at the Americans thinking they don't mind putting sex in public, are over generalising. If it is such a common thing, why don't we see people making out in the public? Why is it that their toilets have walls and ceilings? 

See, it's because of conscience. They know that its not a correct thing to do. It is your right but you violate the right of other people. When Bill Clinton had a scandal with Monica Lewinski, he was rejected by the Americans. Because he did an immoral act. Therefore, to me, what is wrong is still wrong. You can't say a cat is a dog just because you like the condition of a dog. A cat is a cat and a dog would still bark.

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