Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do You Remember?

Do you remember when we walked along the beach, thinking what will happen when we get back home? We went on to see the sunrise, thinking today's would not be the same view as tomorrow's. Little did we know, that what's ahead is so complicated. If given a chance, I would never want to have that talk. If given a chance, I would never ask you out for that walk.

Do you remember the moment we sit upon the rocky edge at the beachfront, you told me to close my eyes. You told me to listen to the wind. I never did understand your reason for telling me all those stuff about having a garden full of flowers. But I do find it funny when you told me, if we go on and swim straight from that very beach, we would find Hawaii.

Do you remember that when the sun is already half the way, you stood up, pulling me along. You hate being late, you told me. You hate the fact that everything has to end. You hate the fact that time is never on our side. You hate the fact that you can never get everything you want. But you love the fact that on that morning, your wish had came true. If only I knew what's on your mind,

Do you remember when we walked past Ringo's Petshop, you told me you wanted a kitten when we get back home. I had a tough time telling you I can't have one at my place, as you wanted two, one for me and another for you. I don't like it when you do that. When you kept quiet, forcing me to guess what's going on. When you ignore whatever I say, whatever I do.

Do you remember on the plane, we sit next to each other. The only reason we did that was because we know, that after this, things would be different. Don't be naughty, you said. Till today that sentence sends shiver down my spine. I never wanted to land. But somehow, as we did, reality checks in. We're heading to our own different lives. Why would we ever bother, when we don't even want to remember.

That's what happen when you're thousands and thousands of miles away from home, and your feet are just not on the ground.


KOKEEN said...

sufee sombong lah sekarang. hmmmphh

Sufee Yusli said...

lah.. ade org tu yang xnak tego i.. hu3