Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Oh My, Why Was I?

Hello. My part one roommate has been asked by his lecturer, why were we born Muslims? At first, I really don't know what to say. I simply went blank. How to answer that question? Sometimes, there are question that you're not suppose to ask. Coz that you'll never get the answer. How many effort be put, you'll never get it. I hate that kind of question. But at the same time, I always think of them.

What happens after mahsyar?

How long is forever in heaven or hell?

Can we ask for anything in heaven? I mean, everything?

Would there be a substitute after the human race?

These are the questions I had in mind. I don't want to know the answers now. To me, I'll just wait and see. But for the question at the first paragraph of this post, I came out with this. Allah has created everyone equal. A newborn baby is like a white cloth. It is up to the parents to colour the cloth, designing them. How we are right now is the effect of what our parents had shape us.

To me, it is not a matter of why were we born Muslims, but how were we taught to maintain the lifestyle of a Muslim. Islam is not just on your name. Bearing it would bring a significant responsibility, which is to depict a good image of a very noble lifestyle, a grand religion.

1 comment:

tam said...
