Monday, August 31, 2009

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan Ke-52

52 tahun yang lepas, negara Malaysia telah mencapai kemerdekaan hasil usaha beberapa tokoh yang berjuang demi kepentingan bangsa dan negara. Pada waktu itu, penduduk Tanah Melayu bersatu padu, bekerjasama mengejar apa yang pada waktu itu dirasakan sangat mustahil. British yang pada mulanya tidak mahu melepaskan Malaya, akhirnya terpaksa akur pada desakan pemimpin Parti Perikatan.

Walaupun sudah lebih setengah abad berlalu, semangat setia dan taat kepada raja serta negara masih lagi terasa. Marilah kita sama-sama terus bersatu, tidak mengira agama mahupun bangsa, demi mengekalkan kemerdekaan negara. Pada saat globalisasi yang kian pesat, cabaran terhadap mengekalkan kedaulatan negara semakin tinggi. Janganlah ia menjadi penyebab kepada kejatuhan kita.

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan ke-52. Demi bangsa, agama, dan negara.


52 years ago, Malaysia gained independence as a result of the initiative by a few people who are ready to fight for the sake of their race and country. At that time, the people of Tanah Melayu worked together, hand in hand in looking for what was considered as impossible at that very moment. At first, British do not intend to let go of Malaya. In the end, they had to bow down to the persuasion made by the leaders of The Alliance.

Even though more than half a century had passed, the loyalty towards the rulers and the country is still there. Let’s work together hand in hand, disregarding the difference of religion or race, in order to maintain the country’s independence. In this point of time where globalisation is at its peak, it is very challenging to maintain the country’s sovereignty. Do not let it be a reason for our downfall.

Happy 52nd National Day. Demi bangsa, agama, dan negara.

1 comment:

sitinoramira said...

siap ade translation lagi
muet nnt confirm dpt band 6