Wednesday, February 4, 2009

When Boredom Strikes

What happens when you hope for something to happen, but it didn’t? You’d get crushed. Nobody can withstand the disappointment. You can say that you do but you’re just bullshitting me, and yourself. Well, I believe that everyone had experienced that a lot, or maybe once lah. Even a queen won’t have her way all the time. But we just have to learn how to manage it. It can cause stress, and stress will bring us to more mental illness. If I don’t manage mine, I don’t think I can write this entry at all.

See, even as we speak, I’m dealing with some kind of disappointment. I mean, my friendship with someone is gone, my friends are killing me with the side-picking thingy, and the other one would just be a stupid miscalculation. Hu3

Oh ya, my lecturer today kinda not explode but she was disappointed. Our class has been very playful and to her, that’s not good. I myself agree with her because hey, who would play around and during class right. But it’s okay, I hope they’ll change. Miss Ati has mastered the knowledge of stress management, because without it, she’ll go amok like any other lecturers.

Whatever you do, don’t piss your teachers off. However nasty they are, they are still your teacher. Berkat itu penting.

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