Monday, August 31, 2009

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan Ke-52

52 tahun yang lepas, negara Malaysia telah mencapai kemerdekaan hasil usaha beberapa tokoh yang berjuang demi kepentingan bangsa dan negara. Pada waktu itu, penduduk Tanah Melayu bersatu padu, bekerjasama mengejar apa yang pada waktu itu dirasakan sangat mustahil. British yang pada mulanya tidak mahu melepaskan Malaya, akhirnya terpaksa akur pada desakan pemimpin Parti Perikatan.

Walaupun sudah lebih setengah abad berlalu, semangat setia dan taat kepada raja serta negara masih lagi terasa. Marilah kita sama-sama terus bersatu, tidak mengira agama mahupun bangsa, demi mengekalkan kemerdekaan negara. Pada saat globalisasi yang kian pesat, cabaran terhadap mengekalkan kedaulatan negara semakin tinggi. Janganlah ia menjadi penyebab kepada kejatuhan kita.

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan ke-52. Demi bangsa, agama, dan negara.


52 years ago, Malaysia gained independence as a result of the initiative by a few people who are ready to fight for the sake of their race and country. At that time, the people of Tanah Melayu worked together, hand in hand in looking for what was considered as impossible at that very moment. At first, British do not intend to let go of Malaya. In the end, they had to bow down to the persuasion made by the leaders of The Alliance.

Even though more than half a century had passed, the loyalty towards the rulers and the country is still there. Let’s work together hand in hand, disregarding the difference of religion or race, in order to maintain the country’s independence. In this point of time where globalisation is at its peak, it is very challenging to maintain the country’s sovereignty. Do not let it be a reason for our downfall.

Happy 52nd National Day. Demi bangsa, agama, dan negara.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pabila Alasan Mudah Dicari

Berita dari Abu Hurairah RA mengatakan, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Tidak ada solat yang lebih berat bagi orang munafik daripada solat Subuh dan ‘Isya. Dan kalaulah mereka tahu keutamaan kedua solat itu (dilaksanakan berjamaah), nescaya mereka akan datang (ke masjid), sekalipun dengan merangkak.” Sesungguhnya saya ingin menyuruh seseorang azan dan qamat, kemudian menyuruh yang lain menjadi imam solat berjamaah, kemudian aku sendiri pergi mengambil suluh (obor), lalu ku bakar orang-orang yang tidak datang solat (berjamaah).”

Dari ayat kat atas, aku teringat masa part one dulu, lecturer CTU aku ada cakap. Dia seronok tengok pak Arab sebab diorang memang sangat beratkan solat kat masjid. Bawak kereta Mini Cooper yang baru tu. And then pakai baju seluar londeh semua. Tapi bila azan, cepat2 pergi masjid. Solat berjemaah. See, orang lain, tengah2 buat kerja pun boleh berhenti solat, sebab memberatkan solat di masjid.

Orang Melayu, sangat2 rigid sebenarnya. Kalau kotor sikit pun tak boleh. Kena betul2 pasti yang tempat tu suci daripada kekotoran baru nak solat. Nak bagitau sikit okay. Kalau itulah kriteria dia, memang tak solat lah korang. Dr Kamarulzaman (lecturer CTU semasa) pernah cakap, dia pergi Beijing, solat kat airport je. Bersih sangat ke airport Beijing? Sama je rasenye dengan tempat2 lain. Tapi, tanggungjawab punya pasal, tak kesah okay.

Lepas tu, pasal kiblat. Teringat dulu nenek aku tanya aku mana arah kiblat masa kat rumah lama.

'Ala nek, sembahyang je hala mana pun. Asalkan jadi.'

Ha3 bila teringat, kelakar okay. Yela, budak2.. Mana faham ape2. Tapi sebenarnya, itulah hakikat. Sebab kalau nak mencari sampai tak sudah solat tu ha. Like my dad said, orang Melayu ni, lagi rela tak buat daripada was2. Ape nak jadi tu. Haish.. Allah tu tak kejam.. Aku percaya, kalau kita memang berusaha untuk mencari keredhaan Dia, insyaAllah Dia pun akan beri kita ganjaran yang setimpal dengan usaha.

Semalam solat Isya' dengan terawikh kat Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin (Masjid Besi). Lawa sungguh. Hu3 Design yang sangat moden. Pagi tadi solat Subuh kat Masjid Wilayah. Contrast sebab design Masjid Wilayah sangat klasik.

Pandangan kubah Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin. Allah di puncak.

Mimbar. Terukir 2 baris Surah Albaqarah di sebelah kanan dan Surah Ibrahim di kiri.

Masjid Besi mempunyai keistimewaan yang tersendiri antaranya tiada pemasangan kipas ataupun alat penyaman udara di dalamnya, sebaliknya menggunakan gas penyejuk (gas district cooling atau GDC). Selain itu, masjid ini turut menggunakan Seni Bina Jaringan Wayar (Architectual Wire Mesh) atau Anyaman Masyrabiah yang diimport dari Jerman dan China (turut dipasang pada Stadium Bernabéu di Madrid dan perpustakaan negara Perancis yang dikenali Bibliothèque nationale de France yang terletak di Paris). Pintu gerbang masuk juga menggunakan konkrit bertetulang kaca (GRC) bagi mempertingkat integriti sesebuah struktur serta kaca hablur bagi menjadikan masjid kelihatan berwarna putih dari jauh.

Apabila siap kelak, perjalanan menuju ke masjid akan meneyeberangi sebuah jejantas yang menghubungkan Dataran Putrajaya ke kawasan masjid ini yang dikenali sebagai Kiblat Walk seluas 13,639 m². Jejantas ini dihiasi dengan kolam air seolah-olah berada di kawasan kota istana purba Alhambra. Hiasan dalamannya dilatari ukiran Asma Ul Husna menggunakan tulisan kaligrafi dari jenisKhat Thuluth. Pintu utama menuju ke ruang solat utama terukir ayat suci al-Quran dari Surah Al-Israa’ ayat ke-80.

Ini ditambah lagi dengan pembinaan dinding mihrab yang diperbuat daripada panel kaca setinggi kira-kira 13 m juga diimport dari Jerman yang terukir 2 baris ayat dari Surah Al-Baqarah pada bahagian kanan dan Surah Ibrahim di sebelah kiri. Uniknya, dinding mihrab ini tidak memantulkan kesan dari pancaran sebarang cahaya atau lampu menjadikan ukiran kaligrafi ayat suci berkenaan yang berwarna keemasan itu kelihatan jelas dan seolah-olah terapung di udara. Bahagian tepi bumbungnya sepanjang 40 kaki pula mampu mengelakkan jemaah yang bersolat di luar dewan solat utama terkena tempias hujan.


Land Of The Riches

I'm currently in the Land Of The Riches. I'm here for our annual Ramadan shopping spree. Well, it's no shopping coz I hadn't been shopping that much. Well, the spirit is not there. Ha3 But I do experience the havoc of Jalan TAR. I've never been there in my adult life. Coz I know that I'll have to deal with crowds. I hate crowds. But yesterday was quite fun. I just realised that there still are stores that's only a few centimetres wide. Haish.. Dah biasa dengan Pavilion.. Ha3

Coloseum. First cinema. I think.

This is the only picture that I managed to capture at night. Sory awak. He3 Lawa jugak kan?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Knot That We're Tied On

Hello. I have been doing some reading on something but now I've forgotten about it. It's supposed to be about entrepeneurship, ha now I remember. Then I stumble upon something that I had never ever thought that I would know about. Which is about the spreading of H1N1 virus. Okay, they (in that article) said that this virus is somehow made by some Israeli psycho scientists, and then they had developed their own vaccines for the virus, and then it was spread so that the whole world would be in total chaos. Next, when everyone is in total darkness, they will come and distribute the vaccine, but it comes with a cost.

If you ask me, I would say that that is a Spielberg material. Or maybe King's. Well, at this point of time, I am very sorry to say but it is not the moment to point fingers on who is there to blame. I mean, we're shouting here and there, accusing everyone but at the same time, nothing was done to cure it. God, there must be something wrong with us. You should at least remedy the situation first, and then investigate, who is the culprit. What's really happening now is that it's a reverse action altogether, making it hard to find the cure.

One more thing that I heard is that at some point, it seems that everybody in the world is trying to eliminate Islam from the face of Earth. Come on, you're giving these people too much credit. I mean, the holy water was used in a bottle called *****? I tell you, in Islam, we do not believe in anything holy rather than what Allah had stated in the Quran. Other than that, it's just a normal thing. If you believe that holy water is somehow 'holy', then you should recheck your knowledge on Islam. To me, some people has something better to do rather than exercising ethnic cleansing.

Ha, don't you think that's it ridiculous that half the population of the world is turning against us? Okay maybe the extremes, but everyone wants to go on with their normal lives too. Many would go on and just forget about the differences, and work on the similarities. If only loads of us are having this kind of mentality, the world can be a better place. Cewah, macam la idea aku ni bagus sangat eak? Ha3 But seriously, I hoped that one day, these things would go away, but I don't think that day would ever come.

Oh ya, have you ever watched The Arrival? Yes, I've watched it. And yes, I think that it's ridiculous. I know that the end is near, but to have 30 episodes just to warn people that it's near, and to have all the the resources on that particular subject, in all the 30 episodes, I think he's crazy. He is somehow obsessed with the judgement day. Yes, we are required to prepare for it, and we need to think about death 70 times a day, but we need to live. That's why Islam has muamalat, munakahat, jenayat, and such.

Therefore, what I'm trying to say is that keep on living no matter what people say. Life is too short to care if people criticise you. But constructive comments are important too, mind you. Be smart in using your resources, and analysing situations. Like I've said a million times before, Islam is never rigid. It's not changing, but it's adapting to the current globalisation. Till then!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Past And Present

Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj

Tun Abdul Razak Hussein

Tun Hussein Onn

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak

Thank you for leading the country. Your contributions are honoured by Malaysians.

Let's Read The Quran

This has been my favourite verse in the Quran. It never ceased to silenced me whenever I heard anyone reading it.

فَبِأَيِّ آلاۤءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

So which of your Lord's favours, graces, will you deny?

[Surah Ar Rahman]

Verse 13

The word تُكَذِّبَانِ appears 31 times, stressing that we need to actually sit back and realise that God's grace is just too huge to be put aside. We as a human being, His, should be thankful of whatever we got, disregarding how we got it. As always, be prepared for whatever will happen because life is just too short. Life itself is a gift. So cherish it. Be thankful. Till next time.

Let's Read The Quran

The campaign is not only for Muslims, but also for our brothers and sisters who are Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and those who believe in God and a proper way of doing things – come join us and share your ideas! You can join this campaign even if you are an atheist!

The goal of this campaign is to encourage people to read the Quran in the language they understand best and find in it areas of common value for our day to day living.

What is the Campaign all about?

Read the Quran in the language that you are familiar with.

When will the campaign start and end?

August 22nd to September 21st (Hari Raya Aidil Fitri)


Participating blogs in the blogosphere.


So more people know what the Quran says and what the Quran does not say and to match its relevance to our daily lives.


Anyone who wants to – the more the merrier! If you have a Blog, Facebook, etc do please carry the logo/icon.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan 1930 Hijriah. Semoga Ramadhan kali ini penuh bermakna kepada kita semua. God bless.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Walking Down Memory Lane

These are the surviving pictures that I've found inside my pendrive. I hate taking pictures. But somehow that trip was meaningful, so what the heck right? The first one was taken shortly before we were lost at the very heart of Gold Coast. Second one, can't recall. Probably at some pineapple plantation farm. He3 Like I said, I miss you guys.

Of Kucing, Ayam And Itik.

Pada suatu hari, Ayam berjumpa dengan Itik untuk mengadu tentang rakannya, Kucing. Kucing telah melukakan hati Ayam dengan berkata bahawa dia tidak sudi berkawan dengan Ayam lagi. Katanya, Ayam mempunyai agenda yang tersendiri untuk berkawan dengan Kucing.

Itik bertanya dengan Ayam, mengapakah Ayam masih tersenyum dengan si Kucing, walaupun dia pada hari sebelumnya telah melukai hati si Ayam. Ayam menjawab, Kucing itu ialah kawannya. Walaupun dia telah melakukan sesuatu yang tidak disenangi Ayam, ikatan persahabatan lebih erat dari segala apa yang terdapat di dunia ini, selain kekeluargaan.

Itik bertanya lagi, jika begitu mengapakah Ayam bersedih dengan apa yang Kucing lakukan walaupun Kucing hanya menyerkap jarang? Ayam menjawab, Kucing berhak untuk berfikir begitu. Tetapi hakikat bahawa persahabatan Ayam itu dipersoal membuatkan Ayam terfikir sebentar.

Sehingga kini, Kucing dan Ayam bersahabat baik. Lebih baik dari yang seterusnya kerana keduanya memahami bahawa nilai persahabatan lebih tinggi dari segala yang lain. Sekiranya ada yang mahu memisahkan, Ayam dan Kucing pasti, mereka akan tetap bersahabat. Tiada agenda di belakang. Kerana mereka tahu, ketidakjujuran tidak membawa ke mana.

Understand? ;) To all my friends, cheers. Thanks yeah!!! Love you guys.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When Everything Falls Apart

Good day. I had the idea of this upon reading an entry written by my friend. A teenager's life is more than anyone had ever expected. There comes peer pressure, hopes from parents, schoolwork pressure, and one of the most famous among us, love. Ha.. By reading this, some of us may remember their girlfriends or boyfriends, some of us may be sad of recent rejections, some may feel uneasy, and some may just say 'eleh, nak buat ape bercinta? Tengah belajar lagi..'

Going back to the main picture. This is the phase of life which you aimed for the stars. Yes my friends. Aim for the star! So that if you missed, you will land on the moon. Or is it the other way? Ha whatever it is, I always am cautious about what to expect. Well we should know where we stand right? That's what I've always thought lah. But many would never stop expecting me to be the best, to achieve something that I myself am unsure of. All that we can do whenever this happens is to do the best.

But many would squeeze off their brains, just to make sure that they meet the expectations of others. Why should we? If you can't do it, then stop. Don't make it too hard for yourself. The best you can do is to do the best. Ha3 But seriously, my best is this far. I have no idea on what to talk about anymore. So, I leave it to you to think about it. Oh ya, I found this picture just now. I miss you guys!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Married Again?

Selamat malam. waktu ni, dah ramai orang dengar tentang perkhwinan Ustaz Akhil Hayy dengan Waheeda. Yeah. Sebelum ini kita dapat mendengar tentang perceraian dia dengan isterinya. Ha3 now, fans of the famous Akhil Hayy, please see that he is just a normal human being. Worse than that, he's a hypocrite. Mengutuk orang sana sini, perangai sendiri tak betul. I won't write about this any longer, but trust me, my hatred towards the guy has built up even stronger. I give it to you to decide on what to believe, and who to believe.

Foreseen But Done Nothing

Good day. I am just tired of hearing people saying that they're sick, and having flu. The thing is, nothing was done to prevent nor to cure the pandemic. Yes, WHO, the governments, and many NGO'S had been struggling to curb this problem, but the people themselves are too oblivious to the fact that they should be staying home, relax, clean up, and stay away from crowded places. I've been to fewer malls for the past few weeks, but it clearly shows that Malaysians are ignorants.

Less than 5% wore mask. People are coughing here and there, sick faces are everywhere, and worse, students lingering around, without knowing what to do. This is not the time to play around. To date, more than 60 people had died because of this flu. Heavens, don't you think that it's a waste to die just because of a new disease. Huh? If you think it's cool, then be my guest.

I'm not here writing to lecture but I'm just giving my best advice. Looking into the situation, I see that this is far from over. H1N1 is going to be in the papers for quite a while. It's just that maybe, some governments will try their best to maintain order by keeping the records to themsleves. In my opinion, the people have the right to know what's going on. Whatever happens, fact comes first.

Please, when you have the simptoms, stay away from the crowds. Because you might infect others. Or better yet, in sickness or in health, stay at home for a while. For the first time since it's first outbreak, I'm admitting that H1N1 is a serious problem, far worse than HIV. Therefore, do your best to prevent it from catching you. And if you got it, please, stay away from me. =)

Oh ya, did you notice that recently, many famous people had died? The first that started this was Ed McMahon, then it's Farah Fawcett, followed by Michael Jackson, and others. The most recent was Yasmin Ahmad, and Ustaz Asri of Rabbani. Ha, it's a black parade if you ask me. But maybe it's just because we are getting older, and loads of the people that we know are getting farther from us. I pray for your health.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What's In A Name?

It's always a joy when Allah blesses you with a child. Children bring happiness and joy, but also trials and great responsibilities. One of the very first duties you have toward your new child, besides physical care and love, is to give your child a name that carries honor and Islamic meaning behind it.

It is reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "On the Day of Resurrection, you will be called by your names and by your fathers' names, so give yourselves good names." (Hadith Abu Dawud)

Remember, just because a name stems from a certain language or culture, doesn't mean that it has a good Islamic meaning. Several of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) changed their own Arabic names, because the meanings of their names connoted wickedness.

For example, someone named Harb ("war") had his name changed to Silm ("peace"), and one named Al-Munba'ith ("one who lies") became Al-Mudtaji' ("one who stands up," i.e. for the truth).

I've checked mine. This is what I got.

S - Suci

U - Untung

F - Fleksibel

E - Emosional

E - Egoistik

How do these websites know everything?? Heh.

A Week Of Dullness

Good day. I am so sorry for neglecting this blog for quite a long time. Yeah, considering I used to write at least once a day, not writing for a week made me go nuts. Good Lord you should see me when I'm not writing. Shivering, my head was never right. Ha3 Okay2 enough nonsense. Actually I can't have an access to my own notebook as I forgot my own password. Tu lah, gatal tukar password sambil tergelak and then lupa. In the name of God, I am so pissed off with my memory. I can memorise the whole of Wonderpets theme song, but I forgot my own password. How is that?

Baiklah. Perlu aku rasa untuk aku berhenti mengeluh dengan kesalahan aku sendiri. Ada yang cuba hendak menenangkan aku dengan berkata bahawa setiap manusia tidak boleh lari dari dua perkara, iaitu lupa, dan mati. Eh yeke? Ke mati dan tua, ataupun dosa dan mati? Entahlah, tapi yang penting lupa tetap ada, dan mati itu pasti. Well, but I kept on thinking, why oh why that during this week, so many things had happened that I can't even remember what I've forgotten.

Yesterday, I managed to get out of class the minute they told us that Dr. Kamarulzaman is not going to attend the lecture. It's not that I hate going to class, but I just need to focus on the next important thing, which is Finance test. Urgh, do you know how frustrating it is to read, and read, and read again but it's just not going to stick on your head? Compare it with burning your skin with a mere lighter, yeah it's almost the same.

Then I went back straight to my room. I reread the formula, remember the concepts, and read the theories. Then I went flat. Ha3 after how many minutes of studying Fin262, can you imagine that? I close my eyes for a while. Suddenly I heard the azan. Have you heard the ones from Mecca? Yeah, that's what I heard. Exactly. How wonderful it is to listen to someone who's calling you to the mosque? I can't help but running to the source of that sound.

Sampai je kat sana, terus masuk (tadi kat kolej dah amik wudhu') and berdiri betul2 depan mimbar. Okay maybe a few rows back but it's in line with the khatib. I can see the director, deputy director, the YDP for MPP, and whoever matters lah. Semua mendengar dengan khusyuk. Actually, when you're in the mosque, you'll discover this inner peace which you can never actually look for it elsewhere. So, when in there, supposingly everyone should keep quite lah kan. But ada jugak yang tenang sangat sampai tertutup mata ha.

Well, the thing is, you should be prepared when you're going to the mosque. Because that's where you're going to contact Him. He's looking forward to hear you speak to Him, but you went there half-heartedly. Even in relationships, that's a sign where your partner will either slap you or leave you just like that. Inside the place, keep quite, and talk only about the stuff that's needed to be discussed about. You're inside the house of God. Might as well go on and read the Quran or something.

Haih, I really don't have the topic to talk about. But I do know that I need to think fast because the longer I'm like this, the lamer I'll get. Oh ya, I've been smiling all over the week. Thank you for replying my text yeah! =) Janji nanti belanja awak gula2 and eskem.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Morning Rasulullah Went Away

Pagi itu, walaupun langit telah mulai menguning, burung-burung gurun enggan mengepakkan sayap. Pagi itu, Rasulullah dengan suara terbatas memberikan kutbah, “Wahai umatku, kita semua ada dalam kekuasaan Allah dan cinta kasih-Nya. Maka taati dan bertakwalah kepada-Nya. Ku wariskan dua perkara pada kalian, Al-Qur’an dan sunnahku. Barang siapa mencintai sunnahku, bererti mencintai aku dan kelak orang-orang yang mencintaiku, akan masuk syurga bersama-sama aku.” Khutbah singkat itu diakhiri dengan pandangan mata Rasulullah yang tenang dan penuh minat menatap sahabatnya satu persatu.

Abu Bakar menatap mata itu dengan berkaca-kaca, Umar adanya naik turun menahan nafas dan tangisnya. Usman menghela nafas panjang dan Ali menundukkan kepalanya dalam-dalam. Isyarat itu telah datang, saatnya sudah tiba. “Rasulullah akan meninggalkan kita semua,” keluh hati semua sahabat kala itu. Manusia tercinta itu, hampir selesai menunaikan tugasnya di dunia. Tanda-tanda itu semakin kuat, tatkala Ali dan Fadhal dengan cergas menangkap Rasulullah yang berkeadaan lemah dan goyah ketika turun dari mimbar. Disaat itu, kalau mampu, seluruh sahabat yang hadir di sana pasti akan menahan detik-detik berlalu.

Matahari kian tinggi, tapi pintu rumah Rasulullah masih tertutup. Sedang di dalamnya, Rasulullah sedang terbaring lemah dengan keningnya yang berkeringat dan membasahi pelepah kurma yang menjadi alas tidurnya. Tiba-tiba dari luar pintu terdengar seorang yang berseru mengucapkan salam. “Bolehkah saya masuk?” tanyanya. Tapi Fatimah tidak mengizinkannya masuk, “Maafkanlah, ayahku sedang demam,” kata Fatimah yang membalikkan badan dan menutup pintu. Kemudian ia kembali menemani ayahnya yang ternyata sudah membuka mata dan bertanya pada Fatimah, “Siapakah itu wahai anakku?” “Tak tahulah ayahku, orang sepertinya baru sekali ini aku melihatnya,” tutur Fatimah lembut. Lalu, Rasulullah menatap puterinya itu dengan pandangan yang menggetarkan. Seolah-olah bahagian demi bahagian wajah anaknya itu hendak dikenang. “Ketahuilah, dialah yang menghapuskan kenikmatan sementara, dialah yang memisahkan pertemuan di dunia. Dialah malakul maut,” kata Rasulullah, Fatimah pun menahan ledakkan tangisnya. Malaikat maut datang menghampiri, tapi Rasulullah menanyakan kenapa Jibril tidak ikut sama menyertainya. Kemudian dipanggilah Jibril yang sebelumnya sudah bersiap di atas langit dunia menyambut ruh kekasih Allah dan penghulu dunia ini. “Jibril, jelaskan apa hakku nanti di hadapan Allah?” Tanya Rasululllah dengan suara yang amat lemah. “Pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah menanti ruhmu. Semua syurga terbuka lebar menanti kedatanganmu,” kata Jibril. Tapi itu ternyata tidak membuatkan Rasulullah lega, matanya masih penuh kecemasan. “Engkau tidak senang mendengar khabar ini?” Tanya Jibril lagi. “Khabarkan kepadaku bagaimana nasib umatku kelak?” “Jangan khawatir, wahai Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah berfirman kepadaku: ‘Ku haramkan syurga bagi siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada di dalamnya,” kata Jibril.

Detik-detik semakin dekat, saatnya Izrail melakukan tugas. Perlahan ruh Rasulullah ditarik. Nampak seluruh tubuh Rasulullah bersimbah peluh, urat-urat lehernya menegang. “Jibril, betapa sakit sakaratul maut ini.” Perlahan Rasulullah mengaduh. Fatimah terpejam, Ali yang disampingnya menunduk semakin dalam dan Jibril memalingkan muka. “Jijikkah kau melihatku, hingga kau palingkan wajahmu Jibril?” Tanya Rasulullah pada Malaikat pengantar wahyu itu. “Siapakah yang sanggup, melihat kekasih Allah direnggut ajal,” kata Jibril. Sebentar kemudian terdengar Rasulullah memekik, kerana sakit yang tidak tertahankan lagi. “Ya Allah, dahsyat nian maut ini, timpakan saja semua siksa maut ini kepadaku, jangan pada umatku. “Badan Rasulullah mulai dingin, kaki dan dadanya sudah tidak bergerak lagi. Bibirnya bergetar seakan hendak membisikkan sesuatu, Ali segera mendekatkan telinganya “Uushiikum bis shalati, wa maa malakat aimanuku”, peliharalah shalat dan peliharalah orang-orang lemah di antaramu.” Di luar pintu tangis mulai terdengar bersahutan, sahabat saling berpelukan. Fatimah menutupkan tangan di wajahnya, dan Ali kembali mendekatkan telinganya ke bibir Rasulullah yang mulai kebiruan.”Ummatii, ummatii, ummatii”

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How Old Are You, Sir?

Good day. Have you ever heard that age is just an illusion. Oh you don't know how true it is. They said, judging by my height, I should be 15. By my image, I should be 21. And by my words, they thought I was dead. See, I'm not yet 19. But what the heck? I've seen many things, travelled a lot of places, and spoken a lot of words. I hoped that what I've done are worthwhile. Well, to me, it was. But there are stuff that I thought were inappropriate but still, it's part of life. There are goods and bads. Yin and yang. It's the best couple I've seen, these two.

I watched a movie, Jack, just now. It told a story an extraordinary kid. What on Earth made him such a spectacular boy? He grows up. 4 times faster than a normal kid should. You know how frustrating that is? Kids will wish that they grow up fast, so that they can do what grownups do. But Jack, he wish his body clock works slower. When he's 5, he looks like 20, and by the time he graduated from high school, his body is 68. I love the fact that he's young inside, though his body is actually old. That's why Jack was played by Robin Williams.

See, why is this movie so touching? It's because it shows how an adult can really think, and act like a child. His age doesn't even matter, and his physical being is way out of the question. The moment he steps into the public shool, everyone was so freaked out because, yeah, he's old. But what is old anyway? His brain is telling him to jump and run, but his heart is telling him he'd drop dead if he does so.

I liked his valedictory speech.

'Most people, after completing this phase of life, would freak out. They will ask "What would I do next?" If you are one of this people, look at me..'

I've no words to say these past few days. But I know, I've never felt this way before. It's a mixed feeling. I'm afraid, happy, confused, and hopeful all in one. But I didn't see sadness. Thank God. I need that to lift up my CGPA. Ha3

Imbalanced Scale

What is the meaning of justice? This is what my CTU lecturer, Dr Kamarulzaman Sulaiman, told us this morning.

'Justice is simple. It's like, when you have two kids, one is a boy and the other is a girl. What is justice? You bought the boy a songkok and the girl a scarf. Even though today's scarf is worth RM 200, and a songkok at it's highest peak only at RM 100, you can't simply give both of them a scarf each, or a songkok each. If the latter is done, it's not justice, it's stupid.'

I leave that to you for further thinking session. You know who I am, so you know to which topic am I actually referring to. But this example actually applies to any other situation.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Like A Piece Of Glass

The kid I told you about in the last two post, remember him? The one that was in critical condition. He passed away today. To the family, I'm sorry for the lost. To all, I hope that this is a lesson to many. Life is so fragile, and death is so sudden. Be prepared for whatever may come.

Al Fatihah

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I See Dark Clouds

What did they get after today's demonstration against/for the ISA? Nothing. I can guess from a mile away. They have shamed the country. I saw on the CNN about it. Though it's only a 30 seconds news, they showed how some Malaysians act like apes, protesting against something they're not even sure about. Why did I say that? Because they didn't read the news! It's about to be mended! Or if the news are not true, or the government might lie, wait until you're sure they are! Come one.. When will you use your common sense?

I don't mind you're standing up for what you believe. But do it at an appropriate place please. They invented road, tarmac so that we can drive on it. They invented mosque so that we can pray in it. They invented LRT Stations so that we can wait and board the LRT for heavens sake. But no.. these brilliant geniuses use them for demonstration purposes. We somehow depict that Malaysian are people who will shout if they disagree, throw stones when their desires at not met up with. Shame on you. Shame on you.

You know what they called Malaysia? A third-world country. We are supposed to be a developing country. I was quite mad when they labelled us with that but in a way, they're right. We have first-class facilities, and yet our thinking are still three levels below par. How embarrasing. Too many efforts have been put to raise Malaysia but it's the people themselves who are not appreciative enough. Come on people. Is this who we are? Is this the path that we're choosing for our own country?

We need to sit back, and see what is actually happening around us. Where are we going, as a nation. Forward? Definitely not. How can we when we demonstrate on the streets, shouting whenever we disagree on something? I was born during the zenith of Malaysian development, and I'm not out of my teenage life yet, and it's about to fade away. People, wake up!! We need to think back, what's good and what's not for the country. Do not just follow anyone, just because he/she seems energetic. Do what's right, and for the first time, use your brain, to decide. Allah is up there watching.